Wednesday 11 December 2013

Scared to Love Again? Let Your Heart Open To Healing.

Breakup: How To Heal From A Bad Relationship
How do you heal from a wound like that and turn into a scar you can be proud of?
How can you let go of your fear and love unconditionally when someone new?
To allow love into your life, first you must love yourself and do what you love. That doesn't mean you have to go to war. It just means you do what is important for you first.
So what are your passions?
Are you living them fully? Doing so will create the space for more passion and love to come into your life.

Live for you, to live for your partner

In a relationship, the best part about doing what you need to do for you is that it allows you to give your partner the space to do the same for themselves. Sure, you can make sacrifices and compromises for the sake of your relationship BUT you should never expect the other to make a sacrifice that asks them to give up on who they really are.

How to heal the past
The past can be a disease at times, because it holds us trapped within our implicit memory: the subconscious part of our memory that is beyond our conscious control. This is the part of the brain that controls 95 percent of our cognition  — which is why it is so hard to let go of the past, because it constantly bombards our subconscious. The worst part is that, neurologically speaking, traumatic events create an even greater hold in our memory.
The key to reducing the impact of that trauma is to make the memory explicit. To make it a part of your conscious memory. That then allows you to choose outside of it. Don't run from the past relationships that haunt you. Accept them, remember them, and most of all, learn from them.

The secret to learning from your bad relationships and creating good ones
You don't learn by finding out all the things the other person did wrong (as appealing as thay may seem).
You learn by taking 100 percent responsibility for how and why things went the way they did. That is the fundamental key to success in any relationship. If both partners took 100 percent responsibility for everything, how could there ever be any fights?
Today I am stronger regardless of my past relationships. By seeing the mistakes I made, I'm working on them for me to have the best relationship ever.

Be open to Love

The mistake we all make is making not making that attempt into another relationship. You're scared of trying. Everything's about risk, LOVE especially. You end up turning down those guys or zoning them, who knows if the dude you bro-zoned is your man. Because James toyed with your heart doesn't mean John would.

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