Sunday, 24 April 2016


Not everything goes according to plan. We cannot always control what happens, but we can learn to accept victories and defeats and use them to move forward.

When we're going through hard times, it could be hard to comprehend why those things happen and even harder to move on. In life's journey, there are many encounters. Some could be planned, others accidental, and some others, still, by divine intervention. Personally, I have had many amazing "chance encounters" where it seems as if the universe rallied to come to my aid when I needed that help the most. They have occurred when least expected - and many of the people I've encountered have become friends and family.   
 And even when those encounters initially left me with negative memories, they turned out to be much-needed lessons for me. “I believe chance encounters happen to those who remain optimistic no matter the circumstances.” Dr. Daniel Tomasulo.

If you start thinking and more importantly acting more positively, new pathways will start opening up. There are times you have to apply positive mindset in speaking to your life regardless of whatever or however tragic that negative issues may be.
Even while the storm is raging and you feel the worst is just around the corner, force the inner ‘positive you’ to confess positive things about your life.
Not all the time should someone inspire or motivate you into doing everything (because you're weighed down). You should be a role model and life-changing person to your own self. Somebody tells you, “you’re a ‘nobody’" and you get so downcast? Come on! Haters have got freedom of speech too. That's the best time for you to remind yourself that "I'm not there yet, but I foresee things working out well for me pretty soon".
    I recall times when I and a good friend get so broke. After sulking for a while, we end up challenging each other to the task of success by professing positive things into our lives because we now see every challenge as a passing phase and a sign of better things to come.
       Keep professing positive words into your life even when you've already received a negative result. Your CGPA might be on a 2:2 (second class lower) and you're fidgeting. Yes! Its normal but you don't need that. What's important for you is to Read! Pray! Read more!

 Keep telling the ‘inner you’ that "I'm graduating with a 2:1 or 1st class, my CGPA must have passed the school gate before I graduate."
That's the spirit. If yours is still at the lagoon front or has branched to new hall,FSS or Ozoluwa.
Read! Pray! Read! You will get there.
       Of recent, I almost got freaked out over most of my clothes that got spoilt due to a rainfall that flowed into my room in the hostel (while the strike was on). Most of my clothes in my box was what I had intended to use for Teaching Practice because I'm expected to dress corporately, the few clothes I brought from home would barely last me for two weeks. I was sad and almost cried but within me was a voice whispering, "Deb, you're gonna shop in Dubai, the States (McDonald stores et al)but only shop online in Nigeria".
      Now, that's the spirit. I'm not saying you should place material things (shoes, clothes, phones) over the purpose-driven ‘you’. Above all, it is important for you to note that challenges confront you only to make you strong and not otherwise.
      Only visionless, worthless ladies would give flimsy excuses for sleeping around with guys so they get that little cash when they go broke. Only lazy dudes would resort to cyber crime because they’re passing through trying times.
        I'm sure (for students reading this), there are times we spend even more than our allowance before the month ends and thus get so broke. Definitely, you dare not call the kind of parents I have for anything that has to do with allowance since the monthly agreement has been made. Trust me, there are other things one can do, there are tasks we have to do. We don't sit down, cross our legs and expect money. You'd have to spend money to earn money.
         Conclusively, always maintain a grateful attitude irrespective of whatever has happened, is happening or will happen. God sees, knows and is aware of it all. God gave us minds to think and a heart to give thanks with. Stop brooding! Be positive-minded, have faith, work towards it and everything would work out for your good with a blast.


  1. Ooshey Debo the motivational speaker.
    On a serious note, thanks for sharing.

    1. Hahahaha. Oshe Maami, the English lecturer. You're welcome boo
