Wednesday, 22 January 2014

THE ONE YOU LOST by Kuti Olumide

Does it not capture your mind?
That a lamb brought a new beginning
What a definition of meekness

The one who created the earth
Destroyed it
Rebuilt it
Restoring it all back to factory setting
With an ultimate sacrifice that must be paid
Choose to live inside of me
Wow, wow, wow

Now, this brings me back to you
You who tried to the steal the lambs book to try and erase my name
But my name is written with His blood and blood stays
I am the one you have lost
All you can do is keep trying because you should know your bounds
How dare you? What insolence?

I have grown and still growing
Be careful
For now I am going into the deep of the truth
No longer that child you toss around with winds of doctrines
…Myrrh school of Hearts

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