Saturday, 30 November 2013


Yaaaaaaaaay! The new month is here.
 I’m sure we have all reasons to THANK GOD for seeing us through the past months (January – November).
 Indeed, my BIG DADDY is forever faithful and loving to me inspite of all my shortcomings. Sincerely, GOD still remains the best to me ‘cos his baby is just so special to him. Ask the angels *they can attest to that*
30 days countdown to the NEW YEAR and you still haven't gotten that particular  thing you really aimed for?. 
Calm down, you still got 720 hours left. He only wants you to ease your mind off it and leave the rest for him to finalize the best for you. 
God is so full of surprises, he wouldn’t mind giving you a last minute miracle.
‘Nywayz, today is a special Sunday  to me. *iono bou you*.
Being the first Sunday of d month and last 1st Sunday of  the year is enough reaasons for me to dance and jiggle 'em the worries off .
Just wanna use this medium to wish you all a Happy New Month and Glorious Sunday in his presence.  Also, keep beleiving God has a lot in store for you.
Above all, BE THANKFUL. Thank him in anticipation of the BIGGER THINGS he has in store for you within the next 720 hours and all he's done for you in the past months. 

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


*inhusedtone* I hope my Dad aint gon see this.
Now people, (clearsthroat)*wearsglasses* Sincerely speaking, some people lack skills*straightface*. if you can't be good sexually, you oughta be a kisseable kisser.
 *InJennifer'svoice* Kissing is a important something for you to act so floppy. *biteme*
 I'm not a pro in kissing o before some peeps would bombard me with mailsssssssss but my point is you gats be good in it.
Kissing is just like the beginning phase OR starting point before the cuming and 'going' thingy. Even if d konji don reach 98%, you will sha kiss before doing the "main thing". (whatever you think the mainthing is*dirtyminds*).
Below are pictures of kissing style that "I" in person can't deal. 

Too Much Tongue

One of the biggest things is to not use too much tongue or too much force. You know what these are? Deal breakers. Too much tongue makes one want to throw up.
Nothing but Pecks
Nothing but pecks. On the contrary, they never use tongue. Instead, they just give you pecks over and over and over again.

 Kisses that are sloppy are pretty self-explanatory. You know what we mean, right? Focus and slowness is the key! We don't like when you try to fit the entire bottom half of our face into your mouth. Sloppy kisses give us the shivers.
 Suffocating Smoochers
I'd call 'em "suffocating smoochers".  Have you ever kissed someone who never seemed to want to come up for air? Great kisses are supposed to leave you breathless, but we don’t think that implies feeling as if we are drowning and you end up jumping outta the fantasy and fighting for air.
The Biter
 The Biter: Sure, the occasional lip bite may be sexy, but if it feels like you’re trying to eat our face, we won’t be leaning in for any more kisses.

Porn Tongue
 *cries* Yeah! Don't do that.
The Vacuum

 Think of having a hand-held vacuum and sticking your lips on it. *LOL*This kind of kiss feels like the person is trying to suck out all the air from your mouth. Totally not sexy, not sensual, just plain horrible. All we can think about during such a kiss is how well they'd clean our floors.

Dead Fish Lips
This is where the person just opens their mouth like a trout and does nothing else like a dead fish lip: no tongue, no lip pressure or movement--nothing. So boring and so gross.
The Lizard
 You've probably come across this one in your lifetime. It's where the person's tongue shoots in and out of your mouth rapidly, like a lizard searching for food.
Too Wet
You know that feeling when saliva is left all over your mouth after you kiss someone? When you have to wipe off your mouth and chin afterwards? It seriously feels as if we just stood in front of a sprinkler. And fellas, that’s not the kind of wet we’re looking for.

Now please and please, its best for you to just be skilled in kissing ehn. I've seen awkward pics of newly wedded couples (particularly the guys). Too much gragra won't make her cum o. Dump gragra for the hustle o.

OK!*pls this musn't get to my dad*
 I'm late for work. Bye!!!!!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

BLESSING IN DISGUISE posted by Odeniran Deborah Olamide

 Many at times,  we expect things to turn out rosy (as planned).  it is easy and kind of normal for you to feel bad at every setback(especially when you gave your “all” in it and never expected it to turn out that way), but have we ever spared some time and gave a thought to it in the other way round (positively)? that such disappointment happened because it wasn’t meant for us or might not actually be the best for us.
    Some people go ahead and try to force it, push it, work on it by all means , making sure it doesn’t fall apart. Mind you,forcing it would make you think that’s the only oppurtunity you have in this whole world. Forcing it would make you settle for less. Pushing it would make you act “limited”(not going beyond that point). Why don’t you just wave off that disappointmment and dance to your forthcomning blessing.  Don’t miss a blessing by looking or focusing on the wrong thing.
Stay in order and things will move smoothly; get out of order and you will run smack-dab into difficulty, or even worse, disaster.
 I know somebody’d be like “huh! Whats this girl saying?.
Fine! I havent experienced anything at all but with my little experience, at every disappointment, I sulked!, promised myself “im gon be fine”even though within me i asked myself ‘why’?.
The bitter truth here is , not untill you realize that the more you focus on your disapppointment, the worse your fate turns out to be.
 The only “big reason” for you to focus on that disappointment is when you are set and so ready to deal with it (disappointment) spiritually, but you getting into your room, locking up yourself, sulking, telling every Dick and Harry who cares to listen would only affect you in all spheres of your life.
Trust me you were so wonderfully made that you ought not to settle for less.
Only when you relax , do things happen. Ease your nerve off the thought of that disappointment and you’d get to see positive results.
I recently heard of a lady who had an extra year in school  coupled with a lecturer’s palavar. She prayed over it and finally graduated. Few months later, she got this this 5 years visa to the UK and scholarship to study abroad.
Now, the point here if some people had been in such position, they would have just screwed up this conclusion that they’d make nothing good out of it ‘cos of the extra year ish.  They’d only push it with the mindset of ‘je kin she bebe’(let me just do it and get off).
Her prayers worked for her in a different way. Made me realize “its not by how far, but how well’, its not by how much you’ve being disappointed but how that blessing is gon turn things around.
Some disappointments are blessings in disguise, in every disappopintment lies something to thank God for. Always thank God for the disappointment, always thank those who disappointed you. Appreciate that it could have been worse, trust that every thing happens for a reason and have faith in blessings in disguise . 


Just like every tough pill to swallow,
I lay still in this hollow.
Should I lead?
Should I follow?
Is it real or just zero?
If only the society can just shut it,

So I can listen.
For its only reasonable to ask the maker,
Why he made what he made?
Which constantly raise the question
Who am i?
What will my legacy be?
Lay your rays down father,
I'm lost and so alone.